Monday, March 10, 2008

After 30 odd years of estrangement and a type of "cold war", legendary Blackhawk players Bobby Hull and Stan Mikita were fianlly welcomed back as the heroes they are at Friday night's sold-out Hawks game against San Jose at the United Center. Chatting with the guys before the ceremony, they could not have been happier. Like the two kids they were when they first came to town to play for the Hawks, much giggling and ribbing of each other ensued. Both Hawks new owner Rocky Wirtz and new president John McDonough have made swift work of mending fences with Chicago fans and past players alike. Bravo!

(See the tribute video shown that night here:

(See Bobby Hull's speech here:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow ,All I can say is its about time!Long overdue,especially the part about bringing back Bobby Hull ,Stan the man Tony O!Ya hate to say anything like ,"Im glad that someone died,and Im not ssaying that,but since "Dollar Bill Wirtz passed on ,and son Rocky Wirtz has taken over the Club,Good things have been happening to the Haawks ,and I see nothing but continued rise of success to the Hawks in the near future! Maybe we can finally honestly say there might be a Stanley Cup in our not too distant future(2-4 years is not out of the question!,I can only HOPE!)