Monday, March 03, 2008

We lost a very gifted musician and kind man this past week. Jeff Healey finally succumbed to the cancer that took his eye sight at the age of 1. He was only 42 years old. During his all-too-short life, Jeff touched everyone he came in contact with with his razor sharp wit and his extraordinary musical talents. I count myself one of lucky ones that got to know Jeff over his brief life. As it turns out, Jeff was a regular listener to my show and a fan. I in turn, became of fan of his. Fortunately for us, Jeff had successfully completed recording his first rock record in nearly eight years "Mess Of Blues" which will be released in the next month or so. Rest in peace my friend. Thanks for the laughs and your great music. It was truly a pleasure to know you.

(See Jeff Healey perform live with the late Stevie Ray Vaughn here:

(See Jeff Healey's video for "Angel Eyes" here:

(See Jeff Healey's video for "Confidence Man" here:

Speaking of great guitarists with a knack for catchy tunes, Steve Miller is set to play the First Midwest Bank Amphitheatre July 5th.

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